How To Personally Curb Clothes Landfill Overload

How To Personally Curb Clothes Landfill Overload

The clothes landfill menace has become a hot debate after the revelation that the volume of clothing thrown away yearly is likely to triple before 2030. Poor waste management systems and individual recklessness are the main drivers of global textile waste, totaling about 100 million tons, with the U.S. contributing about 20 million tons. Without…

CFL Bulbs vs LED

CFL Bulbs vs LED

Today’s two popular lighting options on the shelves are light-emitting diode (LED) and compact fluorescent light (CFL bulbs), thanks to the Energy Independence and Security Act that sought to eliminate the less efficient incandescent bulbs on the market. Traditional incandescent bulbs are banned across Europe, with the US Department of Energy (DOE) phasing them out…

Spring Water vs Purified Water: What Is The Difference?

Spring Water vs Purified Water: What Is The Difference?

If you’re stuck between spring water vs purified water, this guide has everything you need to decide the best for you. It is widely reported that the best choice depends on your preferences, but that leaves you vulnerable to health and eco dangers. You want to know why water has to be classified as spring…

Make Money For Cardboard Recycling Guide

Make Money For Cardboard Recycling Guide

Make money for cardboard recycling is one lucrative and eco-friendly venture for individuals looking for extra cash or businesses looking to cut waste disposal costs. So, if you’re throwing away your cardboard boxes or any other waste, you could be missing out on a valuable revenue-generating opportunity. Ideally, most of the cardboard boxes in your…

Recycle Garbage Can: Which Is The Best For You?

Recycle Garbage Can: Which Is The Best For You?

Recycle garbage cans have transformed from just containers for all your trash to compatible masterpieces that make waste management more sustainable. Today, it is easy to find a recycle and trash can that perfectly serves the intended purpose and provides clear differentiation of your waste. Modern trash bin manufacturers know differentiation is crucial in reducing…

New Process Turns Greenhouse Gas into Ethylene

New Process Turns Greenhouse Gas into Ethylene

At the University of Cincinnati, a team led by Professor Jingjie Wu has developed a smarter method for turning carbon dioxide into useful stuff like plastic. This not only could make some cool products but also helps in the fight against global warming. They tweaked a copper catalyst, which is a sort of chemical helper,…

Is Bioengineered Food Safe?

Is Bioengineered Food Safe?

This can be a tricky question because when you boil it down, we just don’t know for sure. There just isn’t enough data to be able to form a definitive answer. If you do a web search for this question, you’ll generally run into answers that are some variation of “when compared to conventional foods,…

